
Sustainability and ESG services

Planning and implementing your ESG initiatives with purpose, confidence and realistic targets

Solutions backed by skills, experience and data

With our experience across various sectors and our expertise in engineering, science, mathematics and IoT, Advitech can help you improve your business sustainability with practical, fact-based advice for your particular circumstances, values, and goals.

Advitech will guide you through the relevant regulations, standards, and market expectations to help you to set achievable plans and targets that set you on a path to legitimate sustainable business practices.

Resources to help you

We’re creating some free resources to help you on your way to a more sustainable business.

Videos and animations

Sustainability Snapshot

We’ve developed an online tool to help you assess the sustainability of your business. By answering a number of questions you’ll receive instant feedback on how your business is doing and we’ll provide you with some tips for improvement.

Abby Yates, Manager – Sustainability

Abby Yates

Meet Abby Yates, our manager of sustainability. With a degree in Applied Science and a Masters degree in Environment and Business Management and over 13 years experience with Mitsubishi Power Europe, Abby is well placed to help businesses meet their sustainability and ESG goals.

Get in touch >

Your ESG journey

ESG journey

The term ESG has become more mainstream over the past decade or so and has its origins in sustainable development. More and more consumers are wanting to know where their products are coming from and that they are sustainable. They want to understand the impacts companies are having environmentally and socially during their operations, so there is increased focus on companies to take accountability and responsibility for their impacts whilst trying to improve and minimise their impacts.

Specialising in:
  • ESG framework
  • Materiality assessments
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Data analysis
  • Reporting and disclosure

Pathways to net zero

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We help businesses achieve their sustainability goals and reduce their environmental impact. We offer a range of services, from carbon footprint assessment and reporting, to strategy development and implementation, to stakeholder engagement and communication. Whether you are just starting your journey to net zero, or you are already on track, we can help you accelerate your progress and enhance your reputation.

Specialising in:
  • Strategy and action planning
  • Measurement and reporting
  • Understanding your scope 3 emissions
  • Circular economy principles

Energy Efficiency and Optimisation

Energy efficiency icon

Do you know where and how you are generating emissions in your business? Do you know how you can use less energy to perform the same task or produce the same result?

Energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective ways to combat climate change, reduce energy costs, improve the competitiveness of your business, and provides environmental, community and health benefits. Advitech can help you take the steps needed to understand, measure, monitor, reduce, and optimise your emissions which supports the pathway to net zero.

Specialising in:
  • Emissions Inventory
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Carbon reporting – NGER, NPI
  • Standards – GHG Protocol, SBTi,
  • Sustainability data validation and verification
  • Energy opportunities, efficiency options or technology choices.
  • Identification of government or other sources of funding.
  • Energy auditing
  • Identify energy, cost, and carbon risks and opportunities.
  • Help develop business cases, access funding, and form project partnerships.
  • Help you implement, monitor, and validate projects.

Greenhouse emissions management and reporting

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Determining where and how you are generating emissions in your business is one of the first steps you need to take on your journey towards net zero. During the operations of your business, you are more than likely to create emissions from carbon sources such as electricity, gas use, burning of fuel oil for transport, etc.

To reduce your emissions, you need to understand where your emissions are coming from and measure them (collect data) so that you can report and monitor your progress. We can help ensure you collect and collate the right data for your sustainability reporting and success.

Specialising in:
  • Emissions identification
  • Emissions inventory
  • Carbon reporting
  • Standards – GHG Protocol, SBTi

Climate-related mandatory reporting

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This is on the horizon for Australian businesses, especially large, listed entities. We have seen the UK and Europe put legislation in place requiring companies to report their climate-related financial risks. The new standards being introduced by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) are also based on the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TFCD).

Specialising in:
  • National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGER)
  • Safeguard Mechanism climate policy
  • Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards (currently in draft)
  • Climate-Related Financial Reporting (Treasury Laws Amendment – Financial Market Infrastructure and Other Measures – Bill 2024).

Sustainable strategy and action planning

Sustainable strategy icon

We offer a comprehensive service that helps you design and implement ESG and sustainability strategies and actions that align with your vision and values. Whether you need to reduce your carbon footprint, improve your social impact, or enhance your governance practices, we have the expertise and experience to guide you along the way.

Specialising in:
  • Project sustainability
  • Cultural change
  • Nature positive initiatives

Circular economy

Circular Economy icon

One way to look at scope 3 emissions and address other value chain impacts is to build circular economy principles into the business. Circular economy business models look to design out waste and pollution, keep materials in use, and regenerate natural systems.

Companies are increasingly advancing the circular economy, rewriting their relationship to some of today’s biggest sustainability challenges—from climate change to plastic waste to soil degradation. Those leading the way are also bringing an inclusivity lens to their work—integrating social impact elements into circular initiatives and strategies.

Specialising in:
  • Circular initiatives and strategies
  • Waste and pollution management
  • Recycling
  • Social impacts

Waste Management

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Reduce your environmental impact and save money at the same time.  We help businesses of all sizes and sectors to optimise their waste management practices, from waste reduction and recycling to disposal and compliance. We offer customised solutions that suit your specific needs and goals, and we provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure your success.

Specialising in:
  • Recycling strategies
  • Shifting corporate culture
  • Procurement to minimise waste

Sustainable procurement

Sustainable Procurement icon

Sustainable procurement isn’t just about buying ‘green’ products. If done properly sustainable procurement makes sound business sense. It includes planning ahead to manage demand; effective ongoing contract management; and dealing with supply chain risks and impacts.

Unless we take into account the whole costs of goods and services (including energy and water use) and the costs of managing wider social costs (like pollution impacts, modern slavery, carbon emissions and waste disposal), we will not achieve value for money in a meaningful sense.

Without a clear picture of a product’s journey from raw materials to point of sale, a company cannot make assurances around sustainability. And it cannot take meaningful action without first mapping what needs to be done and where. Advitech can help businesses plan and implement actions

Specialising in:
  • Improving accuracy and equity in data
  • Enhancing transparency

Sustainable behaviour change

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Getting staff onboard with sustainability initiatives not just for the short-term but long-term (i.e., changes to the business culture) can be challenging as they may mean your employees will need to change their everyday tasks. The behavioural barries that can face businesses around implementing sustainable initiative include:

  • Habitual behaviours
  • Not being able to ‘see’ the consequences of consumption
  • It is not personally relevant
  • Influence from peers and/or social groups
  • Follow through

Behaviour change takes time therefore it’s crucial that you start by understanding these barriers to staff’s behaviour so that you can put practical actions in place now that will enable you to be more cost-effective and achieve your sustainability strategies.

Specialising in:
  • Organisational behaviour
  • Easy-to-implement sustainability practices
  • Employee incentives

Advitech news and some of our previous work
